
Marsha's Warrick Web & Warrick InGenWeb

Finding Our Warrick County, IN Ancestors

Schumacher, Louis

Submitted by Tamara Kincaide

LOUIS SCHUMACHER at age 16 left home inn Germany on a boat headed to America. On the trip he met KATHERINE SCHAFER who with her mother MRS. SCHAFER, were traveling to Newburgh to join the two brothers of MRS. SCHAFER. LOUIS SCHUMACHER not knowing where he might go decided to come to Newburgh.

He later married KATHERINE SCHAFER and together they had 12 children. The last child born FEB 1878 was a son named HERMAN. Prior to his birth a boy in the family also named HERMAN had drowned at age 12 in the Ohio River.

Mr. SCHUMACHER was a carpenter by trade and built quite a few houses in Newburgh as well as the county. He taught the trade to his sons.



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Coordinator - Marsha Bryant